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【学术报告】Representations of p-adic groups

发布日期:2023-10-26    点击:


Representations of p-adic groups

Thomas Lanard

CNRS, Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin





内容简介The field of real numbers is constructed by completing Q, the field of rational numbers, with respect to the absolute value. There are other norms on Q, the p-adic norms. When we do the same process with these norms, we obtain new fields called the p-adic fields. Their topology is very different from the topology of the real numbers, and they are very useful in number theory. The classical groups of matrices (GL_n, SL_n, SO_n, ...) can be taken with coefficients over the p-adic numbers. These form a class of groups called the p-adic groups. In this presentation, I will talk about the theory of representations of p-adic groups. In particular, we will see how to decompose the category of such representations into indecomposable subcategories, including complex and modular representations. Representation theory of p-adic groups is one of the important subjects in the Langlands program.



报告人简介:Thomas Lanard博士,2019年毕业于巴黎六大,现任法国CNRS青年研究员,就职于巴黎萨克雷大学凡尔赛校区数学系,研究方向为代数李群表示论,尤其是在模表示的分类上有着许多重要工作,其文章发表在Composit. Math., Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Super.Algebra & Number Theory等国际顶级期刊.






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