Sommerfeld paradoxes and Transition threshold problem
章志飞 (北京大学)
摘要: More than a hundred years ago Orr and Sommerfeld conceived an approach to account for the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in terms of hydrodynamic stability theory. On one hand, some laminar flows such as plane Couette flow and pipe Poiseuille flow are linearly stable for any Reynolds number. On the other hand, these flows could become unstable and transit to turbulence for small but finite perturbations at high Reynolds number. This is so called Sommerfeld paradoxes. In this talk, I will describe its early development of hydrodynamic stability theory, and introduce recent progress on the resolution of Sommerfeld paradoxes.
报告人简介: 章志飞,北京大学数学科学学院博雅特聘教授、副院长,2014年国家级青年人才基金获得者,入选2017年度国家级学者奖励计划特聘教授,2022年国际数学家大会邀请报告人。主要从事偏微分方程的理论研究,在流体力学方程的适定性、自由界面问题、液晶模型一致性的数学理论以及流动稳定性等方面取得了一系列国际领先的突破性成果。在 Invent Math, CPAM, Annales ENS, ARMA, Memoirs AMS 等顶尖数学刊物上发表学术论文共140余篇。