Analysis Seminar 2021-06-03
报告题目: Square function estimates and Local smoothing for Fourier Integral Operators
时间: 2021-06-03 10:35-11:35
地点: 沙河主楼 E502
摘要: We discuss some recent progress on the local smoothing conjecture for FIOs. In particular, we prove a variable coefficient version of the square function estimate of Guth--Wang--Zhang, which implies the full range of sharp local smoothing estimates for 2+1 dimensional Fourier integral operators satisfying the cinematic curvature condition. As a consequence, the local smoothing conjecture for wave equations on compact Riemannian surfaces is settled. This is a joint work with Chuanwei Gao, Bochen Liu and Changxing Miao.
报告人简介:席亚昆,浙江大学数学科学学院百人计划研究员,研究方向为调和分析。2017年在美国约翰霍普金斯大学获得博士学位,师从调和分析大师Christopher D. Sogge。后在美国罗彻斯特大学从事博士后研究。2020年入职浙江大学,现已入选国家青年千人计划。席亚昆在Kakeya问题,拉普拉斯的特征函数估计问题,local smoothing问题等调和分析热点问题中已做出十余项重要成果,发表在Cambridge Journal of Mathematics,Communications in Mathematical Physics,Journal of Functional Analysis等顶尖国际期刊上。