--- 分析、偏微分方程与动力系统讨论班(2024春季第12讲)
Sharp Bound for Maximal Singular Integral Operator and Commutator with Rough Kernel
摘要: Let \Omega be homogeneous of degree zero and have mean value zero on the unit sphere, T_\Omega be the homogeneous singular integral operator, and T*_\Omega be the maximal operator associated to T_\Omega. In this talk, we will discuss the quantitative weighted bounds and the endpoint estimates for maximal singular integral operators, and show that for all r>1, the maximal operator T*_\Omega enjoys a (L^\Phi, L^r) bilinear sparse domination, where \Phi(t) = t log log(10 + t), which implies the weighted endpoint boundedness of weak type for the maximal operator T*_\Omega. We will also discuss the related results for commutator and its maximal operators. This is a joint work with G. Hu.
报告人简介: 陶祥兴,浙江科技大学理学院院长,二级教授,数学学科带头人,国一流专业负责人,浙江省高校数学教学指导委员会副主任,入选浙江省新世纪151人才工程第一层次,主持和完成国家自然科学基金项目多项,发表学术论文150余篇,主要研究领域为调和分析与PDE。